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Top 10 Greek Baby Boy Names List

Greek baby boy names are known for their strength, historical significance, and connections to mythology and philosophy. These names carry deep meanings and reflect the values of courage, devotion, and wisdom. Here are the top 10 Greek baby boy names and their meanings:

  1. Alexander (Al-ex-AN-der) – Meaning “defender of the people,” Alexander is famously associated with Alexander the Great, the legendary king of Macedon. This name signifies strength, courage, and protection, making it a powerful choice for boys.
  2. Dimitri (di-MEE-tree) – Meaning “devoted to Demeter,” the Greek goddess of agriculture, Dimitri represents loyalty, devotion, and a strong connection to the earth. It reflects the parents’ hope for their son to be grounded and faithful.
  3. Nicholas (NIK-o-las) – Meaning “victory of the people,” Nicholas is a name often associated with Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. It reflects compassion, success, and the desire for a kind, victorious individual.
  4. Stavros (STAV-ros) – Meaning “cross,” Stavros symbolizes faith, devotion, and a strong connection to religion. This name reflects the parents’ desire for their son to be a person of deep belief and moral conviction.
  5. Theo (THEE-oh) – Meaning “gift of God,” Theo signifies blessings, gratitude, and spirituality. It is a name that reflects the parents’ recognition of their son as a precious gift.
  6. Hercules (HUR-kyoo-leez) – Meaning “glory of Hera,” Hercules is a name tied to strength and heroic deeds. Associated with the famous Greek hero, it represents perseverance, bravery, and triumph.
  7. Leonidas (lee-oh-NYE-das) – Meaning “son of a lion,” Leonidas is a name associated with the Spartan king who stood against overwhelming odds. It symbolizes courage, leadership, and strength.
  8. Perseus (PER-see-us) – Meaning “destroyer,” Perseus is a legendary hero known for slaying Medusa. This name reflects bravery, determination, and the triumph over adversity.
  9. Achilles (ah-KIL-eez) – Meaning “pain” or “lipless,” Achilles is famously associated with the hero of the Trojan War. The name symbolizes strength, honor, and resilience.
  10. Aristotle (ar-iss-TAW-tul) – Meaning “best purpose,” Aristotle is a name associated with the famous Greek philosopher. It reflects wisdom, intellect, and a deep understanding of life.
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Top 10 Greek Baby Girl Names List

Greek baby girl names are deeply rooted in myth, history, and cultural significance. These names are filled with meanings that evoke beauty, wisdom, strength, and transformation. Here are the top 10 Greek baby girl names and their meanings:

  1. Sophia (so-FEE-ah) – Meaning “wisdom,” Sophia is one of the most beloved names in the Greek tradition. It’s often associated with the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, and symbolizes intelligence, insight, and clarity.
  2. Elena (eh-LEH-nah) – Meaning “bright” or “shining light,” Elena represents radiance, beauty, and a positive outlook on life. It reflects the parents’ desire for their daughter to be a source of light and joy.
  3. Zoe (ZOH-ee) – Meaning “life,” Zoe represents vitality, energy, and an enthusiasm for living. It’s a vibrant name that expresses the hope for a daughter to embrace life fully.
  4. Anastasia (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah) – Meaning “resurrection,” Anastasia symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and the ability to overcome challenges. It’s a name that reflects resilience and transformation.
  5. Chloe (KLOH-ee) – Meaning “blooming” or “fertility,” Chloe represents growth, abundance, and the beauty of nature. It expresses the parents’ desire for their daughter to flourish and thrive.
  6. Penelope (peh-NEL-uh-pee) – Meaning “weaver,” Penelope is a name associated with wisdom, patience, and loyalty, often linked to the wife of Odysseus in Greek mythology.
  7. Artemis (AR-teh-mis) – Meaning “safe” or “unharmed,” Artemis is the name of the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and fertility. It symbolizes independence, strength, and protection.
  8. Antheia (an-THEE-ah) – Meaning “flower” or “blossom,” Antheia reflects beauty, growth, and the abundance of nature. It’s a graceful name that expresses the parents’ desire for their daughter to bloom in life.
  9. Electra (eh-LEK-trah) – Meaning “shining” or “bright,” Electra represents energy, light, and brilliance. It’s a name that embodies vitality and power.
  10. Calliope (ka-LYE-oh-pee) – Meaning “beautiful voice,” Calliope is the name of the muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology. It symbolizes eloquence, creativity, and artistic expression.